David Black

Poetry Reading

September 22

2:00 PM

A reading of original poems, old and new, serious and humorous, formal and free verse, mostly based on the author’s life and personal experiences.  Very few are outright lies.  Questions are welcome during a Q&A session.

This event is offered free of charge.  
Donations are welcome, but not required.


Born on a farm in Fluvanna County, David Black now lives in Louisa.   Most of his poetry reflects his rural heritage.  

While attending the University of Virginia, he worked on Plume & Sword Magazine with Henry Taylor and Kelly Cherry.  He has published more than 100 poems from coast to coast and overseas, performed readings in Virginia, North Carolina and Washington D.C., and is the former poetry editor of English Journal, an award winning journal with ideas for English Language Arts teachers.  

In addition to publishing several collections, he was recently features in The Southern Poetry Anthology, Vol IX, Virginia, an anthology of distinguished modern Virginia poets published by Texas Review Press.